muséeKORG Nakatsugawa Korg Museum 中津川コルグミュージアム

welcome to
musée KORG
Nakatsugawa Korg Museum
Since its founding in 1963, musée KORG is a private museum with the theme of Korg's design, which has always been at the forefront of the music scene with great sound and innovative ideas.
The exhibition range divides the 27 years from 1963 to 1990 into four eras, and exhibits with episodes at the time of development.
Exhibition overview
1. The era of rhythm machines (1963-1971)
2. The beginning of keyboard instruments (1972-1978)
3. Ideal for electronic musical instruments (1979-1981)
4. Design Digital (1982-1990)
From the foot switch J-1 to the BX-3 on the two-step keyboard,
Follow the history of Korg with more than 100 products.
Annex exhibition
The world of synthesizer design
We also exhibited products centered on synthesizers from 1970 to 1985 around the world.
You can see the designs of electronic musical instruments all over the world, such as the national pattern of the design and the transition of the design of each manufacturer.
More than 60 products from miniMoog to Soviet Polivoks are on display.

Architecture Wooden two-story building
Total floor area 294㎡ Built in 1908
Museum area 66.9㎡
Exhibition room 1 26.4㎡
Exhibition room 2 16.5㎡
Cafe area, etc. 24.0㎡

Promenade Exhibition 1

Cafe area

Entrance to Exhibition Room 1

ExhibitionRoom 1 1970s Korg

ExhibitionRoom 1 1980s Korg